Happy Harry the Golden Retriever

Harry likes to recline on the couch.

Brigid Hood

Harry likes to recline on the couch.

Brigid Hood

I got Harry for my eighth birthday; I got him because my first dog had passed away earlier that year. My parents decided to get him from Port Jefferson. Harry is a Golden Retriever and he will be turning 8 December 27. Harry is not the brightest dog you will ever meet, but he always knows how to turn a bad day into a great one. Harry will steal clothes out of the laundry room. He will take your bath towels, and he will steal your food right out of your hands. During the pandemic, my parents were working the whole time, so it was just Harry and me the whole time. We played a lot of tug of war, took a lot of naps together, and I went through a lot of ups and downs with him. When I get home from school every day, he is always there waiting for me. Harry is my absolute best friend, and no one can ever change that.