Each year, the Academy Awards ceremony, also known as the Oscars, honors the movies, actors, directors, and writers who wowed on the big screen in the previous year. Once the list of Oscar nominees is released, critics tend to debate whether some movies actually deserved a nomination. With a wide variety of breath-taking, emotion-filled movies breaking records each year, it’s no surprise that some of these great movies end up left out of the nominations.
Ever wonder why Harry Potter, or other fan favorites, have never been nominated for best picture? In previous ceremonies, there seemed to have been a disconnect between the popular films and the critics’ favorites. Harry Potter may break records that no other movie has ever broken, yet the Academy deems it unworthy of an Oscar nominee. Because of this disconnect, this years best picture category has been changed from the usual 5 nominations, to 9. In the race for best picture is the surprise favorite “Hugo,” earning 11 nominations, as well as “The Artist” with 10 nods, and “The Descendants” with 5. Also up for best picture are fan favorites “The Help,” “Moneyball,” “War Horse,” “Tree of Life,” and “Midnight in Paris.” The biggest surprise was the nomination for the 9th spot in this category, “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close,” a movie that received disappointing reviews. Many were shocked that comedic breakout “Bridesmaid” or promising “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” didn’t make the cut for best picture, as both were considered worthy of the title.
So what other snubs were there in the nominations? The best actor category, one of the highest awards of the night, featured a few surprises in its list of contenders. Michael Fassbender, star of “Shame,” was expected to win a nominee alongside actors George Clooney, Brad Pitt, and others, yet he was cut short along with Leonardo DiCaprio for his role in “J.Edgar” and Ryan Gosling for praised hits “Ides of March” and “Drive.” George Clooney may’ve been lucky to win a best actor nod for “The Descendants,” but despite receiving a Golden Globe nomination for her performance, costar Shailene Woodley didn’t receive a nod from the Academy. Let’s not forget about the stars off screen: Steven Spielberg, known for his extraordinary movies, isn’t having a good year in the nomination race. His movie “War Horse” was nominated for best picture, yet he was excluded from the best director category and from the best animation category for movie “The Adventures of Tintin.”
Although some may be disappointed by the movies and actors that were left off of this year’s nomination list, those up for the highest awards in the movie business are nominated for a reason. These actors put their soul into their performance, evoking raw emotion into their characters. Critics may say that some nominees don’t belong, but in reality, they are all there for the feeling, lessons, and excitement that they project to the audience. Tune in to ABC on February 26th to see who the Academy will choose.