“American Horror Story,” an anthology series returns on FX on Wednesday, October 8. This year the show is entitled Freakshow. Every year the show changes its story and the characters to keep viewers interested. Many actors and actresses have recurring roles, such as, Jessica Lange, Angela Bassett, and Kathy Bates. However, Lange has been on the show four years now and it is said to be her last season. Ryan Murphy, the creator of the AHS also co-wrote the hit Fox TV series, Glee. Many followers of both of Murphy’s adaptations are surprised that no Glee stars were recruited .The show, Glee was very successful, but the final episode is airing in late May.
This season is the fourth and the actors said it’s the scariest season yet. Emma Roberts, who plays a con-artist who lives in a cage in Freakshow, said that she won’t be around the clowns are on set. In Freakshow, we are introduced to a serial killer named Twisty, the Clown Murderer portrayed by John Caroll Lynch. The other characters know of the murders and disappearances, but they would never suspect a harmless clown.
Freakshow is set in the early 1950’s in Jupiter, Florida. Lange has a main role has Elsa Mars, a German Ex-Pat who runs one of the last freakshows in Florida. Lange said that she has had such a ball being on Freakshow for the past four years and loves practicing her flawless German accent. The show originally aired on FX IN 2011, starring Connie Britton, Dylan McDermott, Evan Peters, with Taissa Farmiga and Jessica Lange. That year the show was titled Murder House.
Ryan Murphy said this season he wants to feature the talent of the actors in the show. Michael Chiklis and Wes Bentley are joining the cast this year and have lead roles. Chiklis plays a strongman and Bentley plays the Two Faced Legend. The season premiere of Freakshow will be have a running time of 90 minutes when the episodes are usually only 60 minutes. Viewers of the show are sure in for a new and terrifying plot.