The Martian: Best Movie Set on the Red Planet and Why

William Hogan, News Editor

The film The Martian based on the novel containing the same tittle has been described as the only good mars movie. This film is up against movies like Total Recall and Santa Claus Conquers The Martians, John Cater, and of course Robinson Crusoe on Mars. Only including films set on mars, not involving Martians invading due to the fact in those movies mars is usually not within the film or is for only a few moments. This will not deny that The Martian needs to be looked at with heavy scrutiny to receive the tittle.

First of what is wrong with the movie?

Beyond mostly a few issues with scientific facts, not many but they can be glaring. They even had a lead NASA member help aid in all questions they desired to ask. The reason they did some not completely factual is to make sure the plot kept moving. One of the issues is the sandstorm on mars, the atmosphere is too fragile and weak to carry heavy metal, almost over cumbersome. Another factual problem was how he created water in the small facility section to grow food. The temperature needed to create water would kill him and be around 800 degrees. Another issue found within the film was how the building on mars was stylized more for comfort than function. Thankfully the film’s logic issues aren’t very noticeable overall and most would not truly know about these factors.
What is right with the movie?

To start off, Mars itself is beautiful. Honestly the entire time I could not believe this film was done with CGI or on a set and not in the middle of Australia or Arizona. It was done on one of the largest sets in the world at Korda studios, in Hungary. The beautiful rusted landscapes and the protrusion of plateaued rocks in the distance add an almost Earth like reminder. By far the most realistic style of mars ever put on screen unless someone put a rover recording on a movie theater screen. In addition the acting within the film is done in a way in which I forget that this film was purely fictional. These actors take their roles consider their background and utilize it to suit them for the movie. An addition of music from Disco during the 70’s adds a comedic tone and creates a nice dynamic feel to a movie creating a satirical response when the music is played.

Overall this movie deserves to be viewed especially if you enjoy space (exploration) and survival movies, but if not; the story is still one that deserves to be viewed by anyone willing to watch the film. As far as the film goes it deserves to be stated the best movie set on mars in my opinion. This movie holds very well in vision, scope, and realism as well as wonderful acting by a diverse cast given a proper motivation. Next time you go the chance to see a movie at home I suggest you watch the best Mars movie to date.