The Bachelor: Season Finale

March 16, 2016
And the winner is…Lauren!! No one saw it coming. While Lauren was a very nice girl, her relationship with Ben seemed almost superficial compared to JoJo’s relationship with Ben. Everyone saw the twinkle in Ben’s eye when he looked at JoJo, and he even called her his best friend. They had weathered a few storms, which is an important component in dating. Lauren and Ben however, had never had any rough moments yet. Ben’s parents also described Lauren as being polished, and didn’t really seem to like her that much. On the other hand, Ben’s parents viewed JoJo as something special, and really seemed to be rooting for Ben to choose her. While we can’t be in Ben’s mind and know what he’s thinking, we can take his external behavior into consideration. He seemed relaxed, happy and was always smiling every time we saw him with JoJo. Whereas when we saw him with Lauren, we didn’t sense that same comfortable feeling that he had with JoJo. He also told two girls that he loved them, which is a precedent in bachelor history. We all knew it would be a hard decision, but many assumed JoJo was the one for him. In the follow up episode of women tell all, Ben and JoJo met again. He seemed extremely sad when Chris announced that JoJo is the next bachelorette. In conclusion, Ben and Lauren ended up together and JoJo has been given a second chance to find love. We are happy for the new couple and hope JoJo finds love on her next season!!