Stephen King’s “Doctor Sleep” Will Wake you Up

Megan Fehling, Reporter

It has been rumored that Stephen King’s “Doctor Sleep” is being adapted into a film in the near future. The book is a sequel to “The Shining,” which was adapted into a film in 1980 and directed by Stanley Kubrick. Although the films do not mirror the books exactly, many similarities are still present.

Many took the news with disgust, especially because Kubrick has been dead since 1999. It was announced Mike Flanagan will be in charge of the new film, but can his talent compare with Kubrick’s artistic viewpoint for film? It is something not many can recreate. With “The Shining” beginning such a successful movie by Kubrick, will Flanagan ruin the legacy?

“Doctor Sleep” was published in 2013 after many years of King resisting to write a sequel. The book contained many of King’s strong writing skills, but was not a huge success like many of his prior works. The novel focuses on Danny Torrance after he is grown up and living with his ability to still “shine.” Some fans had trouble with the development of the plot when Danny begins to meet new people with his same ability. Troublesome or not, the book is still an incredible work by King, leaving many to hope the film will be the same.

Even with minimal details, “The Shining” fanbase wonders if there will be a similar cast. Dan Lloyd, who played Danny Torrance in the first film, has not confirmed yet if he will play the lead roll like the book. Many are skeptical however, because Lloyd gave up acting as a child and is currently a teacher.

If the adaptation of this film does takes place, we can only hope it will not ruin the King legacy in the film world. Majority of the time sequels receive a bad rep for a lack of creativity or just overall tackiness. The hopes of many King fan’s is that “Doctor Sleep” can defy the stereotype.