On a normal school day, do you find yourself complaining about every little thing from homework, exhaustion, or the heat? When you face problems in life, do you actually think about how to deal with the problem, or rather just react by complaining or blaming? Most people go through life reacting based on their emotions to what’s in front of them, rather than coming up with a creative way to resolve or overcome what’s bothering them. Despite popular belief, not all humans think; they instead are doing what’s normal to them- impulsively reacting to little, everyday situations.
Although many people are okay not considering how to solve their problems, creativity derives from thinking, which can help one come up with alternative solutions to a problem, as well as create hasty decisions that are necessary in unpredictable circumstances. In most situations, thinking is an important step in the process of assessing the existing problem. For example, it is important to accept that you failed a test, consider what you could’ve done differently, start applying the best resolution, which would be to go to extra help and study for the next test, and observe how well this course of action works on the next test. Life is about doing, and thinking is a main way to get on track and change the one thing you’ve always wanted to change.
On September 13th, Brandon Wright was riding his motorcycle in Utah when he collided with a BMW. Wright’s motorcycle flipped sideways, causing him to slide underneath the blazing car. A bystander tried to lift the car by himself in order to free Wright. Once he realized he couldn’t do it by himself, he took a step back and thought about what to do, when three seconds later at least a dozen people rushed over to help him lift the car. Despite the flames surrounding the car, these people risked their lives to save Brandon Wright. By responding to the situation and working together to follow through with the one man’s original plan to lift the car, they were able to put their brains together and save a stranger.
In most situations, like the collision in Utah, normal people who are
going about their everyday business, become heroes because of their courage and quick thinking. So, instead of reacting, start really¬ thinking- you never know when it’ll be your turn to save someone’s life…. or change your own.