The new hit show, “Revenge”, debuted on ABC on September 21. The pilot episode had 10 million views and won the time slot against “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” and “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.” It was the highest viewed scripted telecast in the hour for ABC since the premiere of Eastwick two years before. Its age category is 18-34 and gets everyone hooked with just one episode. It is now continuing its season and airs on Wednesday nights at 10:00 pm Eastern/9:00 PM Central, with ABC’s other hit shows “Once Upon a Time” and “PanAm.”
It is a Mike Kelley Production. Kelley has written and produced shows including The O.C., One Tree Hill and Providence. Revenge is shot in Los Angeles, California, although, it’s based in the Hamptons.
“Revenge” is based on Alexandre Dumas’ classic tale told from a female’s perspective. The show opens on the quote, “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” It certainly sets the element for the rest of the show and gives you some goose bumps! It concentrates on a young woman who is welcomed into the Hamptons filled with people who don’t know who she really is. Emily VanCamp is Emily Thorne, a young woman obsessed with getting revenge against what appears to be a large, interrelated web of people who framed her father for a crime he didn’t commit.
Twenty years later she returns to the Hamptons, into the wealthy life she once had, seeking revenge on the people who tore her family apart. She takes you on the journey with her as she returns to the Hamptons with her main goal- to destroy those people’s lives.
Her main target is the queen of the Hamptons, Victoria Grayson, played fabulously by Madeleine Stowe. Perhaps, her biggest revenge is when she starts dating Victoria Grayson’s son. Is this revenge or does Emily really fall in love with him? The viewers don’t know because despite her being the main character in the show, we don’t know much about Emily as a person. She has a new identity while shedding her old one. This gives the watchers a feeling that Emily Thorne is nothing but an assumed name with a plan, not a person. In addition to the main plot, each week Emily will be getting her revenge on a different one of her enemies. This worries me about how long the show will be airing for. For such a good show, it doesn’t seem like the plot could go further. After the revenge with each person is finished, will the show be over?
So, what would season two entail? Mike Kelley states that all of the questions that pose in the Pilot episode, they will be answered by the 13th episode, which is coming up soon. Mike Kelley furthermore says, “Then we will have a whole new installment of revenge that has to do with the trial of the murderer [of Daniel Grayson] that will take us through the back-half of the first season.”