Unanticipated Bittersweet Feelings
June 2, 2016
I’ve been in journalism since middle school, so I definitely have experience with senior farewells. And I’ve got enough experience to know I never thought this is the route I’d go.
Flashback to my sophomore year, where I was reading a senior farewell and laughing at it. I, for one, would never suffer from the infamous “senioritis,” and I would never regret not getting involved in various extracurricular activities, and I certainly wouldn’t miss high school.
Two years later, I want to go back in time and slap myself in the face for being so obnoxious.
I honestly have trouble wrapping my head around how much has changed since then and how absolutely wrong I was. First, I never thought senioritis would be an issue due to how seriously I took my grades – but if I had a nickel for every time I did a homework assignment frantically the period before it was due, I’d probably have a good five dollars right there.
To add to my list of grievances of my past views, “regret” may as well be my middle name at this point. I didn’t get involved with model congress and drama until this year. Now, in May, they comprise two of my three favorite extracurricular activities (sitting beside The Warrior, naturally).
Model congress gives you the unique opportunity to argue whatever you feel passionate about, as well as enhance your social skills and travel to other schools to compete, make new friends, and win awards.
And then there’s drama. I’d say without reluctance that the drama department at Wantagh High School was by far the most amazing and enjoyable part of my high school career. And that’s coming from someone who first joined it this past September and first got to know everyone during the second semester of his senior year.
Drama lets you get loose and be absolutely ridiculous, act out your creativity during various activities, learn many advanced and interesting techniques and approaches to acting and the genre of plays and musicals in general, and be a part of something enormous by taking part in the school’s very own musical productions or plays. It’s the one thing I’ll miss more than anything else after I graduate, and I beat myself up every day for not getting involved in the program sooner.
I also must thank the school’s exceptional tennis team and the brilliant and challenging acadmic team, two programs I could not imagine high school without.
Now that I’ve gotten my marketing out of the way, I think I need to reflect on my high school career as a whole, starting with the illustrious teachers I have come to see daily.
Though I can’t say I’ve ever had an unenjoyable teacher throughout my high school journey, a few have been absolutely exceptional. I compare my favorite teachers to fuel – fuel that has helped me heighten my interests in all kinds of various pursuits. I must thank Mrs. Magnuson and Mr. Kravitz for helping to fuel my love for reading and writing, and I must thank Mr. Tallerine and Mr. Naughton for their help in making me realize my love for history and politics – the former in which I will be majoring in college. And, of course, I absolutely must express my gratitude to Mrs. Naughton for taking me under her wing and helping me invigorate, for the first time in my life, a love and appreciation for acting and theater that I seek to continue when I head to Adelphi University this fall.
Moving on from the lovely teachers to the enthusiastic student body, I express my humblest apologies that I can’t give anyone here any shout-outs due to the fact that there are like three-hundred-something kids in our grade. I’ll say this, though, I think I have fond memories or experiences with every single one of you.
At the end of the day, due to extracurriculars, teachers, and students that have soared above and beyond my expectations, I will only look back on my experience at Wantagh High School with fondness.