Let’s Get Back to School for Sportsnite
January 8, 2017
How many W.H.S students look forward to the end of the long holiday break? For those involved in Sportsnite, there is hype and excitement for post-break practices. Sportsnite has been a tradition since Wantagh High School opened its doors 62 years ago. Sportsnite is broken up into two teams Black and Gold. Each team makes up cheers and dances for the special night on March 10.
My second cousins, Marnie and Barbie Jurman were Goldies when they attended W.H.S as a student. I am glad to be a Goldie and make my cousins proud. When my dad and uncles, Owen, Adam, and Stefan Watstein attended W.H.S they supported their cousins in Sportsnite. Sportsnite was a place to make friendships and have bonds with girls and boys in each grade and it still is today. My sister Jamie will be a Goldie once she reaches high school because if you have a sibling in the high school already, you’ll be placed in the same team as your brother or sister.
At first, I was conflicted about doing it. I was nervous. I wouldn’t be as good as others. I was intimidated by the several grades that participated in this extravagant event. Though part of me wanted to explore my cheery side. I told myself not to be worried and to go with the flow. With support from my friends, I decided to join and sign up. I am now very pleased I joined. The captains and my fellow teammates are so happy to have so many freshman join. Even though the season of Sportsnite just started, I am already comfortable with the people on the Gold team and excited to be apart of such an outgoing group. I cannot wait for another 3 years at W.H.S because I am so proud to be a Goldie!