Brave senior, Kayla Reilly, had long beautiful blonde hair until she courageously donated it to The St. Baldrick’s Foundation, a charity committed to funding research to find a cure to childhood cancer, December 23.
The school used to organize a St. Baldrick’s event every year in the spring. Reilly and her four fearless friends were anxious to shave their heads since this past summer. Reilly and company were sitting around a table one day at work, brainstorming “something different” to do. Collectively, they decided on shaving their heads.
As a Volunteer Event Organizer, Reilly had to seek out a venue and haircutters to donate their time and supplies. The event was held at Freeport Recreation Center and cost the participants nothing out of pocket; but they did have to fundraise, Reilly alone raising $800-a total of $6,000 for the group.
The haircutter braided her Rapunzel-like hair into 15 inches. “It was kind of freeing seeing my hair all gone,” said Reilly. “I now feel like I can do
anything. I feel like nothing is holding me back.” She said that her and her friends were very strong. And not one of them cried. Their parents were a different story.
“Even though my mom helped me raise the money, she still cried. My dad on the other hand tried to talk me out of it, but it’s growing on him.”
It has only been a couple of months since Reilly shaved her head and her hair is already starting to grow back quickly.
Reilly was interviewed by Mr. Dubin’s Speaking for Broadcast class and was very comfortable talking about her courageous deed. She explained how she got weird looks when she was out with her friends but overall, Wantagh students responded positively. When asked if she would do it again she replied, “definitely.”