April Showers (Nor’Easters, Snow’Easters,Freezing Cold) Will Hopefully Bring May Flowers

Riley McCann, Reporter

The weather on April 16, was especially dreadful. From extreme rain showers, to thunder, and even power surges today has been pretty bad weather.

Up until, fifth period, it was just heavy rain and thunder outside. Towards the end of the fifth period, period, the power flickered upsetting many students, such as the students in Mr. Parlegrecco’s fifth period media class. When the power surged all work that had not been saved was lost. This made many students frustrated with all the thing they would have to redo.

During sixth period, the power flickered several times in the beginning of the period. The power stayed out from around a minute one of the times.

School officials have advised our seniors and juniors, not to drive anywhere for lunch because the roads are so treacherous. It’s hard to believe that the weather has gone from sunny 70’s on Saturday, to the rainy disaster.

As of late, the weather has been very inconsistent. One day it will be beach weather, then the next it will snow, then a Nor’Easter, then the weather will be stormy. This inconsistent cycle is certainly not what we’re used to in April. Hopefully all these April showers will bring May showers.