Hawaiian Volcano Destroys Homes, as Eruptions Expand

Jess Nealon, Reporter

The volcano Kilauea, on the big island of Hawaii, cracked and split open, May 1. Shortly after, there was a magnitude 6.9 earthquake (the island’s largest in 42 years), and pink smoke filled the sky. This sent the entire island of Hawaii into a panic for its 186,000 residents.

The volcano erupted and spewed hot lava from the center. Dust and ash fell on houses, and even burned them down. The Hawaii Civil Defense said 35 structures — including at least 26 homes — had been destroyed and a total of 12 fissures have formed, including two on May 7.

Authorities are begging tourists and other residents to stay away from Lehlani Estates. The area is very dangerous with the debris and smoke and ash filling the air. The volcano continues to erupt and spread molten lava and take down local buildings and homes.

As of May 13, there were a total of 17 fissures open and spewing lava.