From Calhoun to Wantagh — Welcome Mrs. Rosslee

Mrs. Rosslee
January 4, 2019
While the English department is known for its creative teaching tactics and energetic teachers, they are now in the spotlight as Wantagh High School welcomes Mrs. Rosslee, the Secondary Director of English Language Arts, Reading, and Libraries.
Prior to working at Wantagh, Mrs. Rosslee taught at Calhoun High School in the Bellmore-Merrick School District. “Wantagh is very similar to Calhoun High School in the sense that the students work very hard and are greatly involved,” said Rosslee. “That’s what I was looking for: some place where I could support people and be part of their daily routines.”
Rosslee, who received her masters in the Teaching of Secondary English Education from Columbia University, began working at WHS November 5. Her inspiration for teaching is her mom who taught 1st and 4th grade as an elementary school teacher for 25 years. Mrs. Rosslee’s husband and 3 children, Emma (10), Zane (6), and Ezra (3) are excited as she joins the Wantagh family. They have been present alongside Mrs. Rosslee at events such as games, playoffs, and Screenagers since she began working at WHS.
While Rosslee hasn’t been at Wantagh for long, she has grown more comfortable during her time here. “I get to know more and more people each day,” she said. “Especially the students, because that’s an uphill battle. I don’t teach students right now so I have to make the regularly contact with them. But I am getting to know them.”
Mrs. Rosslee’s bubbly personality and bright smile exhibits confidence as she adapts to the educational environment of WHS. “There’s a very strong sense of kinship here,” said Rosslee. “The parents want what is best for their students, and the students seem to make the right choices. It is like a win-win all around.”
“My goal is to help people with whatever it is they want to do,” said Rosslee. “Whether it’s inventing new programs, improving students scores, or assisting people. I’m here to support the teachers who, in return, support the students and the community.”