Chorus Day Hits All The Right Notes
March 4, 2020
Wantagh held its annual Chorus Day on February 28. Members of the high school’s choral groups taught music to elementary and middle school students. The event was organized by the high school Choral Ensemble, along with teachers Ms. Cassidy, Ms. Alessi, and Mrs. Marinis.
At the event, students were divided into three groups by voice part and were taught music by high school students. The theme this year was “Disney in The Tropics.” Songs included were “We Know the Way” from Moana, “Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride” from Lilo and Stitch, and “Part of Your World,” from The Little Mermaid, featuring solos by elementary school students. The night concluded with a pizza dinner and a spectacular performance in the gymnasium for family and friends. At the concert, the high school’s Choral Ensemble and Concert Choir opened with two numbers from their upcoming concert. The group numbers were accompanied by student instrumentalists and conducted by Ms. Cassidy.
Senior Julia Kessler says that working the event was a lot of fun for her and the other high school students. “You could tell how excited all the kids were to do this,” said Kessler. “And it was so much fun getting to perform with them.”