Recently, many schools have issued a cell phone ban because of the negative effects it seems to have on students, but is this change really beneficial? Cell phones can serve as useful tools when utilized properly in a classroom. According to NBC News, just beginning last year, 2023, Florida became the first state to follow up on a cell phone ban, and starting in January, New York could be next. So, how will this cell phone ban in schools impact our everyday lives in the classroom?
With technology improving, schools are becoming stricter to combat these advancements for the better or the worse. However, I believe that our cell phones should be removed from the “ban category”. Despite the distractions they may cause in a classroom, is ridding students of cell phone usage throughout the school day really the best idea? Cell phones can give us the ability to discover and dive deeper into certain subjects to help advance our learning capabilities if we use them for these better purposes in a classroom. With instant access to the internet, we can improve our research and studies in class. Our cell phones may not just make it easier for us to research and learn, but also help us out with any struggles or emergencies throughout the school day. Whether it’s a quick text or a long phone call, it’s easier to communicate with those who aren’t present with us at the moment. Not only may our cell phones be useful sources for us, but for our teachers as well. Teachers incorporating cell phones for classroom assignments could encourage students to stay engaged during class. Removing cell phones in school may cause students to rebel instead of following the instructions if not given the opportunity and freedom to keep their phones with them. Student’s make the decision everyday of how they will use their cellphones in class, and while some may choose to include them for better purposes, some may also argue that isn’t the case.
Although there are many benefits to incorporating cell phones in school, there are also a few disadvantages. Our cell phones can serve as a distraction during class, not just causing us to be inattentive, but the ones around us as well. While we’re scrolling and texting, our screens become intriguing, and it may be difficult to look away. People may become curious as to what we’re doing, and it could seem more entertaining, rather than their work. When our focus is disrupted in class, it could cause us to struggle more in the future. With upcoming exams, we may be less likely to succeed if we aren’t aware of the material due to distractions caused by our cell phones. It could impact our test taking skills and overall averages in class. It could also be difficult to disconnect from our phones in the future if we are presently constantly disrupted by them. Student’s may also socialize more without the usage of their phones.
Although no cell phone bans for New York schools are in place at the moment, it could very well happen within the next few years. There will be many advantages and disadvantages no matter what. Whether a cell phone ban impacts us for the better or the worse, it’ll definitely be a new kind of experience for many students to adapt to.