Winter on Long Island often seems like it has no end. The shorter days, cold weather, and the longing for warmer, brighter days may make the season seem completely unenjoyable. However, just as any other season, there are plenty of ways to pass the time this winter and make the most of these few months!
One of my personal favorite winter pass-times is ice skating. Long Island has a number of public ice skating rinks to take advantage of this season. From the “Winter Village” of Bryant Park in Manhattan, to Marjorie Post Community Park in Massapequa Park, and plenty more, there are many ways to learn how to ice skate and maybe even pick up a new hobby along the way! For lovers of the holidays, the “Magic of Lights” at Jones Beach will immerse you in a festive atmosphere full of holiday decorations and sparkling colors- however, this drive-thru sensation only runs from the end of November through the beginning of January. If you’re looking to get in on snowboarding fun without taking a trip upstate, the snow covered hills of Cedar Creek Park in Seaford offer a fantastic place to spend time with friends and family and make the most of the winter weather.
Winter does not have to be an excuse to stay inside away from the cold weather. There are many great opportunities and activities just waiting to be taken advantage of. The season can be a great chance to find new hobbies and discover what you enjoy!