The Warriorettes
October 26, 2021
As football season approached the Wantagh Varsity Dance Team quickly, the team was eager to start the field show. Performing with the band during halftime, the Warriorettes needed to create and learn three new routines within two weeks after the start of school.
With 18 members, four new and 14 returning, it has been quite a successful season so far. Teaching flags to our new members is no easy task. Learning something new is always complicated, and learning flags is about ten times more so. It is beyond tricky figuring out how to not twist your wrist the wrong way.
As the flag captain myself, my co-captain, Mia Kurtzman, and I created two new routines for the 2021 field show titled “Bruno.” Our four new members were determined to master the skill of flagging. By the second game on September 24, (less than a month of learning this new skill) the team’s flagging skill was perfectly together. Their personal growth and improvement over that time is impressive.
WVDT has performed at the past four home games, which included two flag routines and one dance routine created by our Dance captains, Kaylee Tate and Gabriella Pintauro. Between each practice, there have been major improvements as a team. We mainly focus on strengthening our technique and dancing together as a team.
On Friday, October 9, WVDT performed at the annual Pep Rally with a new dance created by our captains. Our kicklines are a community favorite. We also marched in the Homecoming Parade and celebrated our eight graduating seniors!
As we approach the playoffs, the dance team is prepared for the cold! But performing at Hofstra is one of the most exciting times of our season. There is something about dancing in the cold that strengthens our bond each year.
What is in store for WVDT for the rest of the year? As we enter the winter season, we perform at the Varsity Basketball games. Then, in the spring we march in the Memorial Day Parade!
In the past, we have hosted a dance clinic for students from Kindergarten to eighth grade. Due to the pandemic, we were unable to hold this event for the past two years. However, this year we are eager to bring it back! Not only is performing for a crowd one of my favorite things but also sharing my love for dance with younger students! I look forward to finishing out my senior year with this great team!