“I wouldn’t change a single thing.”


Me, Tori Spencer, Alyssa Albanese, Kiara Umpornpun, Sabrina Locascio, Aimee Ambrosio

Jillian Laino, News Editor

As hard as it can be, I have come to terms with the fact that I have way more days here at Wantagh High School behind me, than I do in front of me. Every day that is behind me, has contributed to who I am today. It is for this reason, that I wouldn’t change a single thing. I’ve come a long way since freshman year, but I haven’t done it alone. So, before I say goodbye and head 220 miles up to Syracuse University, I want to say a few thank yous.

Thank you to my biggest supporters, my mom and dad. High school has been a rollercoaster of emotions and, at times, I have not been easy to deal with. Through the good and the bad times, you guys were always there. Because of you guys, I’ve learned how long a little bit of laughter, hard work, and determination can take you. In a world where everything is changing, thank you for being my constants.

Thank you to my best friend since freshman year, Julia Pugliese. If I’m somewhere, there’s a good chance that she’s there, too. Crazy to think that five years ago we really didn’t like each other. I’m not sure why, but I am sure that I can’t live without you now. Thank you for always dancing with me (even though I really can’t dance), singing “Run Around Sue,” and getting jaw cramps with me. I’m extremely thankful that Cortland and Syracuse are only 30 minutes apart.

Thank you to Kiara, Alyssa, Aimee, Tori, and Sabrina, aka the merhs. Never in a million years would I think that we would all be best friends. You guys make me laugh so insanely and we somehow always experience the craziest stuff together. Here’s to endless sketchwad nights in Babylon, dancing at the docks, and singing at the top of our lungs to Bon Jovi, Bridgit Mendler, and of course Chains Hang Low. Going to college next year while you guys still have one more year here at Wantagh, makes me so so sad. We can barely spend a day without each other, I’m not sure how we’re gonna go months without each other. This has been the most unexpected friendship, so I guess the following was correct: “It’s the unexpected that changes our lives.” Thank you, you guys changed my life for the better.

Thank you to some of my teachers who have become much more than teachers. You guys have gone above and beyond your job description and I could not be more thankful. You have made me genuinely like coming to school, which trust me, is not easy to do. So specifically, thank you Mr. Ruane, Mr. Widmann, Ms. Burke, and Mrs. Hampson. I hope to be for my students one day, what you guys are for me.

And last, I am thankful for the person that I have become. I’ve learned to persevere through the hard times, take in the good moments, always put in extra effort, and always put 100% of myself behind everything that I do.

Finally, thank you Wantagh High School. This may be goodbye, but the experiences and people that this school has given me, will certainly stay with me forever.