Senior Farewell: Grace Kane, Editor-in-Chief

Grace Kane, Editor-in-Chief

Never in a million years did I think I would be writing this. I feel like just yesterday I was a freshman sitting in the computer room watching the seniors write their farewells with Mr. Kravitz. I would think, “Omg, I have four years till I have to write that.” Four years later, and here I am. 

I am in awe right now saying goodbye to Wantagh High School and the past four years of my life. It’s the most bittersweet moment I’ve ever had. Yes, I am excited for college and the life I’ve had planned since I was at Forest Lake, but the memories I’ve made and everything I’ve been through here is hard to say goodbye too. 

I can definitely say I have made my mark here. Advocating for the grade every other week and the bonds I have with all of my teachers. Four years of schoolwork and grades, that I have enjoyed every second of. A normal two first years and an interesting turn in the third and fourth but still the best four years of my life. 

More specifically, Journalism was one thing that really shocked me. Sitting in eighth grade English with Mr. Hampson, in walks Mr. Kravitz to solicit journalism. He showed us all of the newspapers and told us what the class was about. Never would I have thought about taking Journalism but after his presentation, I was convinced. I took the class my first year of high school and every year after that. Mr. Kravitz made it a class worth taking; he gave us full control of our creativity and voice. He pushed me to want to do better and really put myself into my writing. He gave me the opportunity to be Associate Editor-in-Chief my sophomore year and then Editor-in-Chief my junior and senior years. That is something I have always been really proud of, coming into this class knowing nothing and leaving being a two year Editor-in-Chief of The Warrior. Sadly, last year Mr. Kravitz retired and left the newspaper to Ms. Flynn and boy, it was shoes to fill but no one could’ve done it better. Ms. Flynn really took it head on and kept it something great. For only one year of teaching this class, she has been the most understanding and determined teacher making the newspaper the best it could be, print by print. 

I owe these two teachers a lot, they have been a part of my Journalism journey and have always let me express myself through my writing. It is truly something that I have learned to really love and I’m excited to use the skills I have learned in the future and continue to write. 

I say this with a heavy hard but thank you to Wantagh High School for everything and for being my home.